Bottle Cap Torque Tester Calibration Kits MesaLabs Vietnam
Price: Contact
Brand: MesaLabs
Category: Torque Testing MesaLabs
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: USA
Bottle Cap Torque Tester Calibration Kits MesaLabs Vietnam
Laboratory Calibration Kit
For use when calibrating SureTorque Model ST-120, ST-LAB, ST-S3 and ST-Inline torque testers.
- Wire
- Certified hook weights (2, 5 & 10 lb.)
- Frame*
- Pulleys* (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2” radius)
Check linearity of the calibration at 3 theoretical torque values (0, 10 and 20 lb-in)
*Pulley shaft length and frame configuration may vary depending on torque tester model.