Gold Probe Carbon Sensors Super Systems Vietnam


The GOLDPROBE is a zirconia oxygen sensor used for atmosphere measurements which include non-oxidizing, reducing, neutral and carburizing processes.

3rd generation – delivers precision and repeatability in a variety of controlled atmosphere heat treating processes.
Totally interchangeable with other manufacturers’ probes and instrumentation.
Return on Investment:
Low priced with a full one year warranty on both the original and the rebuilt probe.
Cermet coating:
Impenetrable layer extends probe sheath life in the harshest applications and reduces the  catalytic effect between nickel and methane.
Optimum burnout efficiency:
Patented sheath/electrode design facilitates probe burnout, promoting longer life.
Rebuild Policy:
SSi’s Gold Probe can be rebuilt one time after the initial warranty period has expired for 50% of the list price. Rebuilt warranty is an additional 12 months.