Oxygen analysers PPM measurement Model 70 Tekhne Vietnam
The AMI Model 70 provides a complete low cost solution when measuring percent levels of oxygen in the range of 0-95% for general-purpose applications.
This very compact, rugged analyzer combines state-ofthe-art microprocessor based electronics with a simple, straightforward user interface.
The large 3½ digit display auto-ranges for maximum resolution, while one of the four standard user selectable output ranges remains fixed in your range of
interest. Other standard features include two fully adjustable oxygen alarm settings, a system failure alarm, and dual outputs: 0-1VDC and isolated 4-20mA.
Standard output ranges include: 0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10% and 0-25%. Optional ranges available are: 0-50% and 0-95%.
This complete package employs a revolutionary long life zirconium oxide sensor that provides unmatched stability and accuracy even in rapid and extreme temperature swings from 0°F to +130°F. It requires no support or calibration gases (other than ambient air) for its bi-annual calibration. The long life sensor lasts up to 10 years when used continuously for measurements in the range of 0-21% oxygen and longer if used intermittently.
This eliminates the need to purchase, stock, frequently calibrate or replace the standard galvanic type oxygen sensors, greatly reducing overall costs.
The Model 70 responds rapidly to changes in oxygen levels (90% full scale<12sec.) partially due to its unique sample system. It consists of a compact cellblock with precision-machined passages and critical orifice. This replaces the traditional approach of using several feet of tubing, compression fittings and a needle valve. Our design automatically controls flow rates with varying inlet pressures from 1 to 30psig. and is not flow sensitive in the range of 0.1 to 50 SCFH.
The Model 70 is truly a high performance, low cost solution panel mount analyzer for general-purpose applications.
- High resolution 3 ½ digit LCD
- Standard analog output ranges: 0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10% and 0-25%
- Optional analog output ranges: 0-50%, or 0-95%
- 0-1VDC and isolated 4-20mA. analog outputs
- Remarkably stable 10-year life zirconium oxide sensor
- 2- fully adjustable alarm relay contacts
- General Purpose Area Classification