BM-BMX series M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A. Vietnam
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Brand: M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A.
Category: electric brake motors
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: Italy
BM-BMX series M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A. Vietnam
BM series consists of three phase, asynchronous brake motors. BM series range starts from 56 up to 225 frame size. As standard the brake is DC voltagesupply with a built-in rectifier fitted insidetheterminal box.
Therectifier is provided with over-voltage protection devices
Two different types of rectifier wiring can be chosen according to two different brake intervention time. The motor brakes in case of power supply failure. The brake torque remains the same in both directions of rotation and the motor brakes without shaft axial sliding.
BM series is designed in order to have a braking action as quiet as possible. BM series motors tolerate a high overloading rate and are capable to withstand overheating so to guarantee best reliability also under tough operating conditions. In the technical data tables the motors of the BM seriesare proposed in the BMX version forcontinuousservice with IE2 / IE3 efficiencyclass(compliant with EU regulation 2019/1781),alternatively theycan besupplied in theversion BM 'Enhanced Power' onlyfor intermittent duty(S3 60%).All MGM motors have been designed to becontrolled by inverters. The motor winding insulation is class F, while class H is available on request. Motor construction type is totally enclosed externally cooled (TEFC) and IP54 enclosure (IP55, IP56, IP65 and IP66 are available on request).
Motors up to 132 frame size are fitted as standard with a hexagonal hole on the shaft the at non drive end, to allow manual rotation, even if power is off. On request, BM series motors can be provided with a side manual brake release lever. The brake disc lining material is asbestos free and thelining mixtureisformulated to havea high friction coefficientand along life. BM series motor frameis made of diecast, light metal on motors up to 132 size and the terminal board box, provided with cable glands and plugs, is positioned 180° above the motor support feet. The frame is made of cast iron starting from 160 frame size and the terminal box is located on the right side (drive-end view). Shields and flanges are made of aluminium on motors up to 90 frame size, and of cast iron on motors of 100 frame size and above.
BM series main features are the low braking noise, gradual acceleration during the motor start and stop and reduced overall dimensions.
- Compact and silent brake motors with DC brake.
- IEC Metric Motors from 56 to 225 mm
- Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
- Power range from 0,04 up to 132 kW. Single speed 2,4,6,8 pole o double speed 2/4,4/8, 2/8,2/6,2/12,4/6,4/12,4/16 pole
- BMX series includes single speed brake motors for continuous duty and IE2 / IE3 efficiency class (regulation EU 2019/1781). Alternatively the BM series can be made in the ‘Enhanced Power’ version for intermittent duty only.
- IP 54 enclosure (IP55 on request)
- F class insulation
- DC Brake
- The cooling fan is fitted at non-drive shaft end
- Low noise brake
- Low Maintenance
- Aluminum frame up to 132 frame size, cast iron frame from 160 to 225 frame size
- Cast iron flanges starting from 100 frame size
- Motors with NEMA dimensioned shafts and flanges available on request
- cCSAus mark and compliance to efficiency rule EISA (CC051A) and NRC (on request)
- CCC mark and compliance to Chinese efficency rule and China Energy Label (on request)
- BIS certification – ISI mark (on request)
- EAC mark (on request)