GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver with Integrated Antenna Campbell


GPS sensors are receivers with antennas that use a satellite-based navigation system with a network of 24 satellites in orbit around the earth to provide position, velocity, and timing information.


The GPS16X-HVS is a global positioning system (GPS) receiver that provides position, velocity, and timing information. Campbell Scientific configures the GPS16X-HVS and modifies its cable so that the receiver can more easily interface with our data loggers.

Benefits and Features


  • Supports real-time WAAS or RTCM corrections for accuracy of 3 to 5 m
  • Attaches directly to a CR300-series, CR6, or CR1000X, regardless of functionality
  • Connects directly to a CR800, CR850, CR1000, or CR3000 datalogger when PPS time-synchronizing functionality is not used.
  • Processes data from up to 12 satellites depending on the number of satellites viewable above the horizon
  • Allows the data logger clock to be set to the highly accurate GPS time
  • Configured by Campbell Scientific to output RMC and GGA data strings at 38400 bps
  • Extremely accurate timing pulse (PPS) can be used to synchronize time between the data logger and other instruments