2006K Series Rotary Limit Switch Ametek Vietnam
Price: Contact
Brand: Ametek
Category: Rotary Feedback Ametek
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: USA
2006K Series Rotary Limit Switch Ametek Vietnam
The 2006 K Type Series Rotary Limit Switch can be used in applications requiring ratios from 5:1 to 1080:1 and is available in two and four circuits. The 2006 Series is primarily used for hoists, elevating jack mechanisms, packaging machinery, material handling equipment, conveyors, door operators and rotary operators where motion is expressed in shaft rotation.
The primary purpose of the limit switch is to control the intermediate or end limits of a linear or rotary motion. The limit switch is often used as a safety device to protect against accidental damage to equipment.
Quality parts make each Rotary Limit Switch highly dependable.
The 1/2” input shaft drives a bronze gear which rotates the cam block. The cam block houses independently adjustable cams that actuate the precision type snap action switches. Each switch can be provided with either two or four switches. No minimum speed is specified because snap action contacts are used. Maximum rated speed of the worm shaft is 1000 RPM and can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise.
• All Metal Gearing
• S.P.D.T. or D.P.D.T. Industrial Duty Switches
• NEMA 4 & 5 Oil tight – Water tight - Dust tight
• Ease of Wiring with Direct Access to All Switch Terminals
• Gear Ratios from 5:1 to 1080:1
• Positive, Independent Cam Settings
• Rugged Duty Die Cast Enclosures
• Large Cover Openings for Ease of Wiring
• GEMCO rugged duty precision snap action switches
• U.L. recognized switches under file E56660
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