Rotary Feedback 1986 Series Resolver Assembly Ametek Vietnam
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Brand: Ametek
Category: Rotary Feedback Ametek
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: USA
Rotary Feedback 1986 Series Resolver Assembly Ametek Vietnam
The Gemco 1986 Series resolvers have been the preferred source for rugged and accurate rotary positioning in a variety of industrial applications.
The brushless resolver works on the same principle as a rotary transformer to couple power in the rotor. The internal brushless resolver has three separate windings: a reference winding, a SIN winding and a COS winding. The reference winding is excited by an AC voltage. The SIN and COS winding are set 90° apart and provide two different output voltages whose ratio represent absolute position of the shaft.
The advantage of resolver transducers over other rotary position products is that resolvers hold up better in harsh environments and they are always absolute, so if power is lost and restored, the exact position data will be communicated. In long cable runs a resolver signal can typically go much further than other technologies.
Resolvers have long been the standard rotary position method in packaging, primary metals manufacturing, stamping, automotive, tire and rubber, paper mills and mining.
See our different models below.
• 11 Different Package (Mounting) styles
• Optional Precision Zero-Backlash Gear Reducers
• 6 Different Resolver selections to meet needs
• 5 Optional – All Stainless Steel construction
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