Condensate drains LiquiPro – CDF – SCM 40 – VA MTA S.P.A Vietnam
Price: Contact
Brand: MTA S.P.A
Category: Compressed air & gas treatment MTA S.P.A
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: Italy
Condensate drains LiquiPro – CDF – SCM 40 – VA MTA S.P.A Vietnam
LiquiPro – CDF – SCM 40 – VA - Floating condensate drains
Condensate, oil and other impurities present in compressed air systems can cause serious damage if not correctly removed. These impurities are separated from the compressed air at various points of the system; the condensate drain removes them to ensure high quality processing of the compressed air. The LiquiPro drains with float allow the controlled draining of condensate. A careful Xion of materials and an accurate design allow easy installation and ensure years of smooth operation even in extreme conditions.
Automatic drain with float CDF 2050
Energy saving: no loss of compressed air;
Simple and strong construction not subject to wear;
Standard body in corrosion resistant aluminium;
Wide diameter drain valve opening;
No electric power supply required.
Technical features:
Floating level sensor;
Aluminium drain body;
Maximum operating pressure: 20 barg.
Automatic drain with float SCM 40:
Carbon steel version for high pressure: maximum operating pressure 40 barg.
Automatic drain with float VA:
Version for installation inside HEF filters.