RMF Systems
The name RMF Systems has become synonymous with the latest developments in filtration technology. RMF filter units are the most complete and efficient filter series available today. Worldwide a great success in a huge range of hydraulic applications. The solution to contamination problems which cause more than 80% of all hydraulic malfunctions and component defects.
The filter units of RMF Systems have a large dirt and water collection capacity and are famous for their excellent filtration efficiency. Costly main flow filters are protected and malfunctions are reduced to a minimum. Oil life is increased resulting in lower oil change frequency and less machine down-time.
The wide range of RMF products consists of: Air conditioners, By-pass units, Off-line units, Off-line units with water sorb, Heated Off-line units, Off-line units air driven, Vacuum dehydration units, Filter elements and By-pass lube oil units.
Doedijns organisation
The brand RMF Systems is registered, designed, developed and produced in-house by Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. in The Netherlands.
Doedijns Hydraulics is a leading manufacturer and supplier of fluid power solutions and one of the largest independent specialists in the Benelux in the field of hydraulics, measurement, control. Systems and oil management. Alongside sales of leading branded components, the organization specializes in the development, assembly, production, implementation and after-sales service of custom-made systems for the industrial, mobile, maritime and offshore industries.
Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. forms part of Doedijns International B.V. (head office in The Netherlands), an international force in the field of hydraulics, pneumatics and instrumentation. Doedijns International is a healthy growing organization with more than 250 employees and several branches in Europe and Asia.
The wide range of RMF products consists of:
- The RMF 'Air conditioner'
Allows tanks to breathe clean, dry air.
The revolutionary Z-R gel granules dry the air before it enters the oil tank and this dry air is then filtered by a 3 micron fibre glass (replaceable) spin-on air filter. The air which enters the oil tank is then clean and dry.
- By-pass filters
The RMF By-pass filter units are especially designed for mobile applications in the hydraulic and/or transmission systems.
In the absence of a pumped system, the oil is drawn from the main system by means of a specially designed and integrated pressure compensated flow control valve.
- Off-line filters
RMF Off-line filter units can be applied to every imaginable industrial application where hydraulic or lubrication systems are present. An integrated pump-motor unit draws fluid out of the tank, filters it and pumps clean oil back into the system.
- Off-line filters with water sorb
The off-line filters can also be equipped with special water absorbing pre-filters in case of extreme water contamination, these water absorbing spin-on cans will remove most of the water prior to the fluid reaching the cellulose element.
- Off-line filters heated
The 'Heated unit' is a unique progression of the Off-line filter series. The RMF Heated unit warms the oil in a specific manner, allowing the viscosity to be reduced to a level which will permit fine filtration without the oil being exposed to too high temperatures that could cause overheating and burning of the oil, rendering it useless.
- Off-line filters air driven
Air driven off-line filters offer the user an excellent alternative to commonly used electric motor driven units, for example in explosion hazardous areas and when no electrice power is present.
The air driven off-line filters can also be equipped with special water absorbing pre-filters in case of extreme water contamination, these water absorbing spin-on cans will remove most of the water prior to the fluid reaching the cellulose element.
- Vacuum dehydration units
The Mini Water Vac is a designated oil purification unit which can be applied directly to various types of machine reservoirs. It dehydrates and cleans most types of oil such as lubricating, hydraulic, transformer and switch oils, etc.
- Filter elements
At the heart of the RMF Off-line and By-pass filter is the unique micro filter element. This filter works according to the radial through-flow principle.
As it has a filter fineness of 0,5 micron, it is able to remove the smallest of contamination particles (silt) from the oil. RMF Systems offers additional filter elements ranging from1,3 and 5 microns as well as special water absorbing elements
- By-pass lube oil units
For use with engine oils and in power shift transmissions a low pressure by-pass filter is available
Quality and REACH
The Quality Assurance department within Doedijns International guarantees the maintenance of high and uniform quality standards, ensuring knowledge of modern international standards such as ISO 9001:2008, ISO 17025, ATEX, VCA). Continuous investment in technology and above all in people makes Doedijns the number-one knowledge partner with a high level of service. The (quality) management is certified following the international standard ISO 9001:2008.

Download the ISO 9001:2008 certificate Doedijns Hydraulics BV.
REACH Compliance status
As you may be aware, the European Parliament and the Council have published the EC Regulation 1907/2006, concerning Registration Evaluation Authorization and restriction of Chemicals (REACH). According to the EG 1907/2006 (REACH) directive, the effects of substances on the working conditions and the environment must be made known and tested for admissibility within the EU.
With this statement we would like to inform you about the current status in our organisation concerning the REACH directive in relation to the Air conditioner products supplied to you by Doedijns Hydraulics B.V.
For the majority of products, Doedijns Hydraulics is classified as a downstream user of raw materials, and produces "articles" and "preparations" that do not require registration according to the REACH regulation.
These products, however, may contain raw materials that should be REACH classified. Therefore, Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. has notified all its suppliers, concerning the Air Conditioner products, to make sure that they are aware of REACH and comply with the requirements.
We have received their statements confirming that they know their obligations and that they are in compliance with REACH, and pre-registration has taken place.
When releasing (new) raw materials, compounds or products, Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. will ensure REACH compliance through statements from suppliers and/or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Non-registered materials will not be purchased or used in our products according to the schedule of the REACH regulation.
Currently all Material Safety Datasheets handed to Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. are currently evaluated regarding our position according to REACH and their application. The results will be entered in an in-house substance inventory list.
As motivated above, Doedijns Hydraulics B.V. declares that all its RMF Systems Air Conditioner products are compliant to the European REACH regulation (EC) 1907/2006.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Download Doedijns-RMF Systems Air Conditioners Reach declaration.